防水工程Waterproofing Project
Hong Kong experiences high humidity and frequent rainfall, especially during the rainy summer season. Without proper waterproofing measures in advance for aluminum windows, once issues of water leakage arise in the window frames, interior walls may gradually show water stains. This can potentially lead to paint peeling on the interior walls and, in severe cases, damage to the structural integrity of the unit. To prevent water leakage from aluminum windows, it is crucial to undertake waterproofing measures in advance. Even if the building has undergone previous waterproofing for exterior walls and aluminum windows, regular inspections are necessary to ensure that the waterproofing functions are still intact. Otherwise, during the rainy season, without proper waterproofing, issues of water leakage may arise in both the aluminum windows and the walls.
The causes of water leakage are numerous, but based on past experiences in dealing with aluminum window waterproofing projects, there are generally three main factors contributing to water leakage.
已損壞的鋁窗防水膠邊條 Damaged Aluminum Window Waterproofing Seal Strip
鋁窗窗戶防水膠邊老化或破損,導致雨水從窗外滲入。Aging of the Aluminum Window Waterproofing Seal Strip The aging or damage of the waterproofing seal strip around the aluminum window frames can lead to rainwater seeping in from the outside.
鋁窗的防水層效果會因時間而減弱 The effectiveness of the aluminum window's waterproofing layer diminishes over time.
鋁窗外層長年暴露在外,導致鋁窗窗外防水層損耗,需要為鋁窗重設防水層。Wear and Tear of the Aluminum Window Waterproofing Layer The outer layer of aluminum windows is exposed to the elements for many years, causing the waterproofing layer on the exterior of the window to wear out. It becomes necessary to reset the waterproofing layer for the aluminum window.
施展鋁窗防水工程前要把裂縫堵塞 Before implementing the aluminum window waterproofing project, cracks should be sealed.
外牆壁出現裂痕原因眾多,一旦發現,需要填好罅隙。Cracks in Exterior Walls There are various reasons for cracks in exterior walls. Once detected, it is necessary to fill these cracks.
To address the issue of water leakage in aluminum windows:
To resolve the problem of aging aluminum window waterproofing seal strips, it is necessary to remove the old seal strips and replace them with new ones.
To address problems such as wear and tear of the aluminum window waterproofing layer and cracks in exterior walls, an aluminum window waterproofing project is required. The aging waterproofing layer is removed, and a new waterproofing layer is applied through the waterproofing project. Emperor Aluminum Windows uses high-quality imported materials for waterproofing to ensure the effectiveness of the waterproofing layer and to guarantee long-term performance of the waterproofing layers for both exterior walls and aluminum windows.